Hotel Gilze-Tilburg

True Love

After an evening out together, Eefje (34) and Silvester (41) turned out to be a very good match after all. 'After just two weeks I got the key to his house.'

Martine van der Deijl
NoPoint studio's
Joyce Walian Agency

Eefje: "We have been together for 10 years, but have known each other for about 16 years from the nightlife of Tilburg. Silvester regularly went out with a mutual friend and that's how we met. We both thought we weren't each other's type. Silvester is quite muscular and I thought: he probably only likes those little dolls. Fortunately, that turned out not to be the case. When he had liked a picture of me on Facebook, I thought: you know what? I'll just send him a message. We kept emailing back and forth and went on a date.

He would bring a friend and I asked a friend along, that way we could all go out together. Only Silvester's friend had cancelled. Fortunately he was man enough to go into town with me and my friend. That evening was very pleasant. The next day I went to his house to 'sleep it off'. From then on it was thick right away. I got the key to his house after only a week or two. And at the 2019 Christmas dinner, Silvester addressed the family with beautiful words about us and concluded with a marriage proposal! Of course, I couldn't say anything but a resounding "yes.

'The choice for our wedding venue was clear pretty quickly'

We finally got married on June 18, 2022. On the morning of the wedding, I got ready in my uncle and aunt's house, where I was proposed to. My grandmother also lived there, so the house has a special meaning for me. It was a beautiful day; the garden was full of flowers, and by the little fountain we toasted with champagne. I desperately wanted sunshine at my wedding, well I got it: it was a whopping 35 °C! We got married on the terrace overlooking the water at Van der Valk Hotel Gilze-Tilburg. Our son Odin (6) was allowed to sign his autograph, also on behalf of his sister Vieve (2). Nice that they also agree with our marriage, haha. The choice for our wedding location was pretty obvious: I come from Gilze and whenever we have something to celebrate with the family we go there. My mother and bonus father even had their first date there. It just feels totally right there.

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JVH Gaming

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JVH Gaming

Royal Swinkels

Fruit beers are in demand and there are more varieties of summer beer than ever. Fruitage by Rodenbach is a Flemish red-brown beer and contains red fruits. What is special about this fresh beer is that it is brewed with 100% natural ingredients and contains no artificial additives. The sweet fresh smell, taste of the red fruit and the low alcohol content make this a perfect drink for the terrace.

Royal Swinkels

Nice and Fresh

Nice and Fresh




JVH Gaming

Royal Swinkels

Nice and Fresh