Let's meet: Victor Abeln

We know Victor Abeln - the bartender with the striking blue eyes - from the popular TV show First Dates. 'I think it's so daring when you go on television to date; then you really grant yourself love. I love to see that.'

Martine van der Deijl
NoPoint studio's
Martine Reurings

Outside my comfort zone

'About five years ago, while I was working behind the bar, I was asked if I wanted to participate in the casting of a TV show.

At first I thought: that's not for me, I like the quiet. But when two days later someone else asked me to do this casting again, I thought: why not? Let's do something outside my comfort zone. By saying "yes" anyway, I am where I am now.'

The guest is most important

'I have worked in the hospitality industry since I was young. I really enjoy meeting so many different people and the direct contact with guests. But a good bartender also knows when to be quiet. It's never about the bartender, it's about the guest. And at First Dates I want to put someone extra at ease. I never start talking about love right away, but try to keep it very small. Then I notice that someone thinks: oh, it's not that bad. That is very nice to see.

Saying "yes" put me where I am today

Hats off

'I think it's really clever when someone participates in First Dates. Hats off to the candidates who have that guts and allow themselves love. I myself would find it difficult to participate in the program, I think. And I don't need to, because I have had a girlfriend, Renee, since the end of last year. We met in the pub. That was at the end of September. Two weeks later I was supposed to go to Curaçao by myself, I had already planned that trip. But I didn't really want to miss her at all. So even though we really only just knew each other, it felt so good between us that she flew after me!


'That all went very quickly. You could say we almost started our honeymoon, haha. Before her arrival in Curaçao, I wanted us to be in a good hotel. So I had booked a very nice room at Van der Valk Kontiki Beach Resort. That was really top notch. Pools there, great food ... and all in a fantastic location. We also expressed to each other that vacation: "If it doesn't work out between us, we'll still both be on a tropical island." We - again - just said "yes" to the adventure. It was within our capabilities, so why not do it?

Ideal first date

'Maybe a complete dead giveaway, but on a first date, go do something you like yourself. For example, I find a museum a very nice place to date; walk around, chat a bit, see what someone finds interesting. And after that go to the pub. On a date, at least ask the other person questions and then listen to the answers. And give the occasional heartfelt compliment'.

Allow yourself happiness

'Many dates from the program stick with me, but in particular I won't soon forget the date of two ladies in their sixties. They had both been in relationships with men, and finally dared to speak out that they were attracted to women. That was not easy for either of them. But now they were both at a point: this is my life and my happiness, which is what is most important. They allowed themselves to be happy. That was really heartwarming to see.

A good bartender knows when to be quiet
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